Read the Editorial 'Convergence Culture' by Jenkins and Deuze, from Issue 14.1 of Convergence journal (available via pp2 course blackboard), as well as the chapter from Jenkins' book Convergence Culture assigned to you by your tutor in your tutorial in wk1.
Prepare an informal Report on your assigned chapter – this will be delivered orally during tutorial wk.2. Reports should include a brief summary of the key points Jenkins makes in the chapter –
and (more importantly) ideas/concepts you found particularly interesting/provocative and several discussion questions for the class. Approximately 15-minutes class time will be devoted to presenting and discussing each Jenkins chapter.Reports are not assessed directly – but you are encouraged to incorporate them into your personal blog and bounce off them in your lab development projects. A strong performance at this task will therefore improve your results in the various assignments.
Is there a word limit on the informal report? Please advise.