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PP2 Studios...
Studio: Dice (C.Rogers)
16 finalists screened around Australia regionally and in all the capitals.
Move Xtra will screen all finalists on pay TV $100,000 pool of prize money
first prize winner receives a Qantas scholarship - trip for 2 to US, meetings with executives, agents and industry folk.
no longer than 7 minutes including credits
no public screening prior to entry (which is in Jan) (does not preclude a crew/cast screening)
theme is DICE
R & D:
50% production task
50% analysis of prior Tropfest finalists with emphasis on chosen production role
Project Outcome:
In groups of no more than 4, completion of festival-ready professional short film, including a publicity pack with production stills and all necessary documentation according to Tropfest requirements
Studio: (S.Keen) PROD! Poets Ride Online Dangerously
Central Production Tasks:
Short experimental online videos
Re-purposed cinematic/projection version - long form
Internet vlog and APC purpose built website
Potential high profile public screening State Library Victoria
Viral distribution via video-sharing platforms
Potential ABC TV-online development
Potential festival and media arts online screenings
PP1.09 R&D
Video research assignment and prototype tests
Studio: Mohamed in Suburbia (L. Ward)
What does it mean to grow up Arab in the suburbs of Melbourne in 2009?
A series of short documentaries for the screen –
character-portraits of young Melbournians of Arab (particularly Muslim) backgrounds.
Envisioned as highly collaborative short docos, made with the subjects not just about them.
Explore contemporary documentary styles, and put your skills to use in telling a topical and timely story.
Outcomes to be negotiated with subjects/participants, but could include for example, a website, a DVD.
Studio: ABC Radio National (K.Brettle)
Central Production Tasks:
10-15 minute Audio Feature (in pairs)
50-80 minute Ep of ABC RN's The Night Air.
A common theme to both projects.
There will be an online component plus usual delivery items...
Features may get picked up.
The Night Air Ep will be broadcast on ABC RN.
PP1.09 R&D:
Analysis Assignment and Feature Proposal.
last year -
The studio requires 12 students - at least half need to be radio maj students - but up to half can have majored in TV2.
Studio: dotdotdot (P.Ritchard)A series of fragments, pieces, clips, short films, scenes, sound
pieces, mini docs, skits ... based around and inspired by ...
To be presented on a website.
A website that investigates Melbourne as 'place'
It allows for you to concentrate your energies and time on something
finite, more containable.
You are here as consummate media makers and this studio is designed to
develop your work across all outcomes -
All pieces will, in different incarnations, be delivered on the web,
little screen and big screen.
You will be required to do a thorough research and development plan.
This will include analysis of like forms - shots, scenes, films, sites
You will be required to a thorough semester plan - starting from week
6 through to week 17 of second semester.
You will be required to develop your outcomes of your presentation
before the commencement of second semester.
Each piece/project will be 'owned' by a team of two (maybe 3) and each
person must work on at least one other project in a secondary capacity
We will, together, design the trajectory of this project.
My hope is that the website may have legs beyond this year.
The website will include -
finished pieces,
graded/ungraded copies, different versions etc. and
reflective essays on each piece
- the website is about media making and reflection as much as it is
about presentation / dissemination.
You will be required to research the web outcome, to find a niche, a
creative or commercial gap in the market.
some ideas i had/borrowed/stolen
locative pieces using google maps
a still from Picture Victoria a starting point to each video
using these stories as a starting point
tying in with the tv series
a website that ties into or is hosted at lonely planet
your work as showreel
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