Tuesday, March 3, 2009


task overview: A comprehensive research project that lays the conceptual, practical and formal foundation for your media lab production project. task:
• in your production group, produce a research report in the form of a google-doc, that documents the research undertaken to develop your Lab Project by writing a synopsis, conceptual/theoretical framework and detailing of your concept, structure and production approach
•    develop skills in practical research for media production; and thereby develop stronger, more innovative Lab Projects •    develop skills in creative collaboration
when due?
•    5pm Friday April 17th (Wk 6A), by email to your tutor, with invitation to share your google doc •    Your google doc research projects will then be published online to be available to other students, pp1 industry partners and others interested
• in the Wk 7 Seminar a member of your production group will present your project concept to the group (this is not assessed and should basically be an extrapolation of your pitch)
worth how much?
•    25%  of overall
how assessed?
•    tutor assessed, with group moderation of individual contributions
task details Your research project must include the following sections:
•    synopsis – this is the engaging, catchy pitch for your project – what is it that is going to engage an audience [250 words – write this last!] •    conceptual/theoretical framework [750-1000 words] •    content  [750-1000 words] •    structure (form, style, etc) [750-1000 words] •    production approach/plan  [750-1000 words] •    List of references (primary and secondary sources) •    Appendices
assessment criteria details: Your tutor will assess your overall project and give a base mark for the group overall.  Individual marks for each student will then be moderated according to their contribution, as determined by the group. Research projects receiving the highest marks from your tutor will
•    engage the reader with a dynamic and well-conceived digital media project •    demonstrate rigorous research: an ability to find and draw insight from relevant and appropriate primary and secondary sources, properly referenced •    be well written: clear, concise and cohesive •    be well structured and incorporates all the required elements
Moderated individual assessment This works as follows:
•    in week 3 tutorials, each project group will discuss and agree upon criteria to evaluate individual contributions to the project •     in week 7 tutorials, after the project has been submitted, groups will self-assess individual contributions according to the agreed criteria, and decide upon the weighting to the overall mark for each student, with plus or minus scores which must add up to zero for the group overall •    Confused?!  Let me explain with an example:
Group A decides that Student A deserves (+ 10), and Student B and Student C each deserve (-5), as weightings for their individual contributions. These weightings must add up to zero: (10 + (-5) + (-5) = 0) So, if your tutor gives Group A’s project a group mark of 70. then, the final marks for this assignment will be:
Student A: 80 (the original 70 plus the weighting of 10) Student B: 65 (the original 70 minus the weighting of 5) Student B: 65 (the original 70 minus the weighting of 5)
Or, if your tutor gives a group project mark of 85; then, the final marks for the assignment will be:
Student A: 95 (the original 85 plus the weighting of 10) Student B: 80 (the original 85 minus the weighting of 5) Student B: 80 (the original 85 minus the weighting of 5)
Group B might decide their weightings should be:
Student D = (+5) Student E = (-1) Student F = (-4) Their weightings will be applied to whatever mark the tutor gives their group overall.

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